Friday, January 21, 2000

Nazurat 03 [End]

When hunters almost defeated us, all of us and the hunters were surprised by arrival of ten creatures. They were so strange. They were consist of one gorilla, one big crab, one big bat, one giant falcon, one tiger, one big flower plants, one giant turtle, one horse that had a pairs of wing and one ray and one animal that I didn’t know the name. One of hunter said that the name of the strange animal was the Tyrannosaurus REX, the frightening giant lizard that had ever lived thousand years ago. When I saw them clearly, I knew that they were robots. I thought they were friend because some of them attacked the hunters. The gorilla and the tiger helped us to attack the hunters. When they got the trouble, they changed to human form. I admired and surprised. The bat, the flying horse and the falcon attacked the fighter planes, the bomber planes and the battle planes. They also changed their animal form. The flower plants and the T-rex tried to stop the journey of hunter bomber tanks. The turtle, the ray and the crab made a big battle versus the battle ships on the river. Finally, we (I mean them) could defeat the hunters because the strange robot gave us their contributions. But before I said thank you to them, they had gone fastly. I was sad because I didn’t know their names. I was sure that they were delivered by my friends in the city, the Green Star.

GOD’s HELP (6-6)
I tried to repair some parts of my jungle that had burned. I spread many new seeds. The animal also helped me make the jungle green again. After our job finished, we only waited for my human friends from the city. They would bring the junk of planes and bring the hunters that still live to the prison in the city.
After few days, my human friends from the city arrived. I told my battle versus the hunter to them. But I didn’t tell them about the robots. I would tell the robots at the dinner. After lunch, they started to work. They brought the junks of the hunter planes to the city as the proof for the police. They also brought the hunters to the city as the nature criminal. They had to enter to the prison.
This was the time that I had waited, dinner. I said thank you to them for their contribution passed the robots but they surprised because they never delivered the robots. I also surprised. I explained about the robots one by one. After my explanation finished, they told me a story about the robots. Before they heard my story, they didn’t believe about the robots. They only believed that the robots were a fancy. They had ever read about a man that saw the robots. The robot tried to extinguish the fire in a mount forest. Thank you GOD! GOD helped me with Your Power. You had made my wish came true. (18-10-2001)

FIN                                               Next Story

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